The Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering ensures the training of engineers through bachelor’s courses, master’s and doctoral programs in the field of engineering: metallic, carbonic, ceramic and composite materials and confers the academic titles of engineer and doctor in technical sciences. The Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering has properly equipped laboratories, computer technology that allows computer-aided modeling and design studies, ensuring a high level of professional training, which makes it possible to equate abroad the scientific degrees obtained. The most valuable students are co-opted into interdisciplinary research teams, benefiting from substantial awards, scholarships abroad and participation in international congresses and symposia. During their studies, students benefit from the utilities of the “Politehnica” university campus (libraries, gyms and sports fields, closed circuit television and computer networks, Internet access, medical offices, etc.), dormitory and restaurant canteens in the Regie Student Complex. – Polytechnic (P 21). Materials engineering is directly involved in various other industries: aeronautics, computer science, electronics, nuclear technology, medicine, transportation and machine building. The general structure of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering comprises 3 specialized departments, 3 research centers and a student organization (LSM). Within the specialized departments belonging to the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, an important number of scientific research contracts are carried out annually, mainly through CEMS, ECOMET and BIOMAT centers, with CNCSU, the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports and other beneficiaries ( research institutes, companies, economic agents, etc.). Starting with 1881, the School of Bridges and Roads also awarded diplomas in engineering in the field of metallurgy. By decree no. 2521 of June 10, 1920, the “First Polytechnic School” is established, by transforming the National School of Bridges and Roads. This Polytechnic school included 4 sections, among which were: – Mechanics and Metallurgy Section; – Mining and Metallurgy Section. In the same year, the Polytechnic School of Timisoara was founded. It was considered necessary that, within the Mining and Metallurgy sections of the two polytechnic schools, metallurgical engineers be trained for the iron and non-ferrous industry of the country. Professor Ion Barbareu, former assistant at the Academy of Mines and Metallurgy in Freiburg – Germany, introduced in 1922 at the Polytechnic of Bucharest a course in Metallurgy and created a Laboratory of Metallurgy in 1924, which initially had two sections: dry analysis and pyrognostics. Professor Ion Barbareu also has the merit of having edited the first university level metallurgy course in our country, entitled “General Metallurgy Course”, published in 1926 at the Genius Printing House in Cotroceni. Professor Ion Barbareu formed the first school of teachers for metallurgical higher education in our country, which included great personalities such as: Prof. Acad. Traian Negrescu, Prof. Stefan Mantea, as well as assistants Eng. Corneliu Sandulescu (the one who published in 1927 the first laboratory guide entitled “Determination of ores”), engineer Jeana Buzincu – the first woman assistant professor in polytechnic education in Romania. In addition to teaching, metallurgy teachers have made a substantial contribution to solving important problems in the practice of the metallurgical industry, by providing consultancy and conducting works, such as the construction of an important metal railway bridge in 1929. In 1928, in Bucharest, a Steel Conference was established, by separation from the Metallurgy course, which deals only with the part of extraction and processing of ferrous metals. For the Steel Conference he is named the most talented graduate of the first series of mining and metallurgical engineers of the Polytechnic School of Bucharest in 1922 – Traian Negrescu, who had obtained in 1927 the title of Doctor of Physical Sciences at the Sorbonne. In 1928, this Steel Conference was transformed into “Iron Metallurgy and Metallurgical Machines”, which in 1933 became the department, and in 1939 it merged with the Department of Metallurgy under the leadership of Dr. Eng. Traian Negrescu. The first doctoral degree from the Polytechnic School of Bucharest was awarded to the American engineer Welton Crook in 1936, with the work “Experimental research on mineralogical construction and chemical action of slag”, from Stanford University California, led by Acad. Prof. Traian Negrescu. In 1940 the number of first year students of the Faculty of Mines and Metallurgy was 50. In 1948, the departments of the faculties of Mining and Metallurgy were established
abolished by taking the place of the Steel Institute of Timisoara (Dean – Prof. Gheorghe Vanci), which began operating with the first year of study: 1948-1949. In the academic year 1949 – 1950, in order to accelerate the training of engineers specialized in STEEL, the study years III (62 students) and IV (30 students) were created within the Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, in addition to the Faculty of Mechanics (Dean – Prof. Ionescu Bujor), administratively belonging to the Timisoara Institute of Steelmaking. The students were selected from the respective years of studies (without difference exams) from the faculties of Mine (Bucharest, Timisoara and Brad) and of Industrial Chemistry (Bucharest and Iasi). The justification for setting up these years of study at the Bucharest Polytechnic Institute was given by: – The presence of steel specialists – engineers with long activity in industry and with specialized studies in Germany, France, Sweden, at that time being advisers to the Minister of Metallurgy, for specialized training; – The presence in the Bucharest Polytechnic Institute of strong Departments of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Electrotechnics, Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Thermotechnics and others, for general engineering training. The sections he worked with were: 1949 – 1950 – Furnaces – steelworks – ferroalloys; – Foundry; – Plastic deformations – heat treatments. 1950 – 1951 – Furnaces – steelworks – foundry; – Plastic deformations – heat treatments. During this time, the Non-Ferrous Metals Metallurgy Department continued to operate at the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry in Bucharest. In the academic year 1952 – 1953, the first and second years of study in Timisoara were transferred to Bucharest and together with the non-ferrous metals metallurgy department of the Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, the FACULTY OF METALLURGY was established, representing the 6th faculty of the Institute. Bucharest Polytechnic. For a start, the faculty had two specializations: – Steel industry; – Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals. The training in the fields of Plastic Deformation, Heat Treatment and Foundry was done in both specializations. In the years 1962 – 1963, within the Faculty of Metallurgy there were four specializations: – Steel industry; – Non-Ferrous Metals Metallurgy; – Metal casting; – Plastic deformations and heat treatments Starting with 1970, the Faculty of Metallurgy had the following departments: 1. Extractive metallurgy, with specialization directions: – Steel industry; – Non-ferrous metallurgy; – Mineralurgy; – Metallurgical aggregates; – Coccerie; – Semiconductors. 2. Foundry 3. Metallurgical processing, with specialization directions: – Rolling mills; – Forging; – Heat treatments. Starting with the academic year 1990 – 1991, metallurgical education is in a complex process of reform in the sense of modernizing the educational technology (by introducing the credit system) and widening the sphere of knowledge in the field of metallic, ceramic, carbon materials, high-performance materials (composites). , intermetallic compounds, amorphous materials, etc.). As a result of these considerations, in the same year, the name of the faculty changes, becoming the FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING. On March 10, 1994, based on GD 57 / 08.02.1992 and the Law on Education, within the faculty, the Center for Research and Expertise in Special Materials (CEMS) was established, the first multidisciplinary scientific research unit and advanced higher education, which has as main objective the development of fundamental and applied research activities in the field of materials. Currently, the following research centers operate in the FACULTY OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: – Center for Research and Expertise of Special Materials – CEMS – Center for Eco-Metallurgical Research and Expertise – ECOMET – Biomaterials Center – BIOMAT The leadership of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Metallurgy and later of the Faculty of Science and Materials Engineering was held by the following didactic and scientific personalities: 1949 – 1952 – Prof. Gheorghe VANCI (Preparation of ores); 1952 – 1955 – Prof. Mihai SARIAN (Mechanics); 1955 – 1959 – Conf. Mihai GHILICEANU (Thermotechnics); 1959 – 1962 – Prof. Alexandru RAU (Steel Metallurgy); 1962 – 1969 – Prof. Florea OPREA (Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals); 1969 – 1973 – Prof. Iosif TRIPSA (Steel Metallurgy); 1973 – 1981 – Prof. Florea OPREA (Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals); 1981 – 1989 – Prof. Silvia VACU (Steel Metallurgy); 1989 – 1990 – Prof. Maria PETRESCU (Physical Metallurgy); 1990 – 1991 – Conf. Voicu BRABIE (Foundry); 1991 – 2003 – Prof. Petru MOLDOVAN (Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals); 2004 – 2012 – Prof. Rami SABAN (Materials Science and Physical Metallurgy); 2012 – 2014 – Assoc. Prof. Nicolae GHIBAN (Metallic Materials Processing and Ecometallurgy); 2014 – 2020 – Prof. Mircea Ionut PETRESCU (Engineering and Management of Obtaining Metallic Materials). 2020 – Prof. Radu ȘTEFĂNOIU
(Engineering and Management of Obtaining Metallic Materials).
For shorter periods of time in the position of dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy (Materials Science and Engineering) were also activated professors Traian NEGRESCU, Emil Florian NICOLAE.
Within the specialized departments belonging to the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, an important number of scientific research contracts with CNCSU, the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, the Ministry of Research and Technology, as well as the Center for Special Materials Research and Expertise and with other beneficiaries (research institutes, companies, economic agents, etc.).
Metallurgy and materials education is constantly improving through the exchange of ideas and relationships with technical universities around the world, as a result of direct contacts between our university and foreign universities, between faculty and similar institutions in profile, facilitated by ongoing international programs, such as and the participation of universities in international events (symposia, congresses, colloquia, etc.).
In recent years, the metallurgical and materials university research, organized on research centers of the faculties has besides its known role for the metallurgical units (implementation of new techniques, technologies, materials and improvement of the existing ones) and a strong impact on the practical professional training. of future engineers.
Did you know that …
On each piece of metal that makes up the Eiffel Tower it is written:
“Made in Resita – Romania”
Few people know that the symbol of Paris, the famous Eiffel Tower, was made after a technology invented in Romania by engineer Gheorghe Panculescu.
After graduating from the Zurich Polytechnic, engineer Gheorghe Panculescu ends up working for the Eiffel Company, on the recommendation of the great writer Vasile Alecsandri.
In 1878, Panculescu returned to the country to build the Bucharest-Predeal railway.
At that time, the engineer invented a system for joining railway sleepers, which would revolutionize metal constructions. Thus, due to the method of mounting the rail on the sleepers outside the railway space, Panculescu managed to finish the concessioned work in less than a year, although the delivery term was almost five years.
Panculescu hosted Gustave Eiffel *
Impressed by the project of the Romanian engineer, Gustave Eiffel travels especially to Valenii de Munte to meet Panculescu, who would become general inspector of the Romanian Railways.
Eiffel wanted to see the technology used by him to install the railway.
In 1879, in the house where the Nicolae Iorga Museum is now located, the Frenchman was hosted by Panculescu and was impressed by the genius of the Romanian invention.
Here, Gustave Eiffel, who would become famous, spoke to the host about his project, the erection of an extraordinary tower in Paris, for the 1889 World’s Fair.
Together they discussed the adaptation of the technique invented by Panculescu to the construction of the tower, using metal subassemblies made on the ground and assembled afterwards, as the work progressed. It is also interesting that the fate of the two engineers would end in the same year, 1922.
Known in France, anonymous in Romania *
Professor Eugen Stanescu from the County Museum of History and Archeology was one of the few researchers in this unique episode.
He was especially in France to study how well known is the contribution of the Romanian engineer to raising the symbol of the city of light.
Studying the documents of that time, the professor found a study entitled “Communication on the works of the 300 m tower”, dated 1887, in which the famous engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel states that the tower bearing his name could not have been built if not he would have found out about the innovative technique used by the Romanian engineer Gheorghe Panculescu in the construction of the Bucharest-Predeal railway section. Unfortunately, the Romanian’s name is much better known in France than in the country where he was born.
Only at the insistence of Professor Stanescu, a general school in Valenii de Munte has been named after engineer Panculescu since the beginning of this year.
Resita – Geographical, administrative and historical landmarks
City located in the Resita depression, on the banks of the river Barzava. Access roads / railways / – Caransebes (43 km), Timisoara (98 km); / road / – Caransebes (41 km), Timisoara (105 km) 95471 inhabitants (1995).
* History * old industrial traditions (18th century – the first furnaces and the first steam locomotive); * / the Eiffel Tower in Paris is built of steel made in Resita / *.